Scandalous political persecution in the San Fernando Iuna
The session Departmental Council, the governing body of our race, Friday 19/02, burst into our Academic Coordinator Rosa Inés. Dean Julio Flores and its Secretary General, Alberto Hilal, who were the authors of the request for reconsideration, alluded to "different approaches" to management because they had to "renew."
The reasons she said at the meeting were quite different. Our coordinator made an explicit complaint against Alberto Hilal by abuse and threats of dismissal if she refused to make a police report against students who served in an artistic action inalienable right to free expression. These students did a mural as part of Arts Day held at the headquarters Xul Solar on Friday December 3 last year with the authorization of the Dean and the Municipality. Hilal sent flowers and plug this mural in January with the closed site, its content questioning the current administration, silencing any dissenting voices, and contradicting his speech on human rights and free expression.
And Agnes has firmly denied such a charge, has suffered the consequences.
art and free speech does not stop with police batons
The order of withdrawal made by the Secretary Hilal overwhelms the University Statutes governing since 1918 the university reform: the University is autonomous and can not enter or intervene in her security forces.
We are convinced that the hooliganism, political and ideological persecution and not allow independent students to think differently, is incompatible with art and teaching.
We resolve to continue performing assemblies, opening the participation of each and every student in the college of building a critical and artistic excellence in teaching.
Therefore we demand the reinstatement of Rosa Inés his job more than ever before and build defend freedom of expression within faculty.
self-organized STUDENT ASSEMBLY - Iuna San Fernando.
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