Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Non Warrantable Condo Financing 2010


This project was created in the Social Development CorpraciĆ³n Providence against the need to help and support the reconstruction of spaces devastated by the earthquake and tsunami in the area of \u200b\u200bPelluhe, Region VI.

bibliocra are gathering in the letters to send to children and families in this area. The student Javiera Silva Catalina donated 25 boxes and with other partners Geisbuhler donated candy to fill these beautiful boxes and put them in the backpack of every student. Javiera and

Catalina initiating the assembly of boxes.

Too many of our students are encouraged to write letters and drop them in the mailbox cra.

The students Paula and Maria Jose Ulloa, made a collection for their neighborhoods and collected a sum greater than $ 70,000

Aunt Ingrid Susana Zanetti and Escalona, \u200b\u200bwith a group of students completing the boxes and filling them sweet and love.

Thanks to the initiative of Professor Areli Donoso, gathered $ 170,000 that was the contribution who met her husband, along with his co-workers of the company LUFTHANSA-LAN.


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