Monday, June 15, 2009

Cute Myspace About Me Examples


In the month of June was the 3rd EXPO-CRA, which were displayed all the books, films and educational materials that came this year donated by the CRA and educational foundations.

Altogether present to the entire school community about 200 materials in general.
Here are the video of that activity.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Zinc Dimethicon Facial Creams


students with strong values \u200b\u200band virtues that contribute fully develop their potential: cognitive, affective, motor and social, to achieve successful integration in school education. MISSION

Give students enough tools to maximize their capabilities and skills to integrate into the historical dynamics of the XXI century, incorporating the parents as participatory agents in the educational process, helping to enhance community education.


The purpose of this manual for coexistence is necessary because it is half a facilitator of learning about the motivations that go beyond the rules, as such. Parents and Guardians
want to become the world of the student to gradually work on building strong sense of their life plan that allows to transform this external discipline on internal self-discipline that enables the realization of its ideals in a responsible manner, based on the values \u200b\u200bof honesty, respect, solidarity, responsibility , justice and truth prevailing in a healthy society: Parents are the primary educators of their children and the school works with parents to reinforce this task.
Our concept of discipline is defined as:
The formation of an internal order on the subject, which will internalize every day, with Reflection to become who leads his life in a conscious, responsible, autonomous and self-discipline, be it permanently and ensuring the common good.


According to our PEI (Proyecto Educativo Institucional), we have identified as one of our fundamental tasks "Forming students with strong values \u200b\u200band virtues that contribute to the full development of their potential, graduates and young people integrated into a dynamic, diverse and globalized. To achieve this, educators, in accordance with the Family and Social Development Corporation, are co-responsible for the educational process.
This aspiration requires a set of rules and principles governing the internal dynamics of our institution through ensuring safeguard the rights of all stakeholders in the community This set of rules we have defined as "School Student Handbook" Understanding that cohabitation is a collective, which has been consolidated to the extent that all stakeholders: students, parents, guardians, staff, and teachers feel involved and responsible for it.


Our goals are inspired by the Providence Educational Ideology. Http:// 1.-
contribute to the comprehensive education of students with an accurate profile of ideals, habits and attitudes that accompany them in life. Involve all members of the school community in implementing the Student Handbook, allowing the integral formation of students (a).
2.-Support (the) students in their personal and academic development. IV.


A. - Political Constitution of the Republic of Chile. 20 -% 20272 k

B. - Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Http://

C. - Organic Constitutional Education Law No. 18,962 of 1990. Http://

D. - Convention on the Rights of the Child. Http://

E. - Supreme Decrees of Education, No. 240, 1999 and No. 220 of 1998 in regard to the OFT. 5CFile% 5Coft% 20basica.pdf

F. "Presidential Instruction on citizen participation. Http://

G. - Political Participation of Parents and Guardians in the education system. Ministry of Education. 2000. 20of% 20educacion.pdf

H. - Right to Education and School Maladjustment, Ministry of Education, 2001. Http://

I. - Institutional Educational Project of each establishment.

J. - Juvenile Criminal Responsibility Law No. 20,084 and Adolescent / pdf/original/244803.pdf

K. - Providence Communal Ideology. Http://


Handbook will be known by all members of the community. To do this will be discussed and reflected at the first meeting of trustees and the first week of classes with students. You can publish on the website of the Social Development Corporation of Providence, Area Education.
At the end of the school year there will be a community-wide consultation to assess their efficiency in pursuit of perfection for the good of the whole institution.

should be able to: Understand Art.1
is a social being prepared to live in community. Caring for your health Art.2
demonstrating good hygiene and personal safety, healthy recreation and sport. Art.3
assess, protect and preserve nature as a means of survival and human development. Making Art.4
free time for personal well
Art.5 Develop trusting your self esteem. Art.6
express responsibility, respect, honesty, solidarity, justice and veracity
Art.7 assume the consequences of their actions. Article 8
actively participate in organizations and activities. Article 9 Living
solidarity, in terms of sharing and helping those who need it Find out in Art.10
The possibility to develop their potential. Art.11
develop personal initiative creativity, work and entrepreneurship
Art.12 team. Engage in maintaining the spread and development of previous rules
Art.13 The student (a) must enter, stay and leave the school with the Institutional Uniform
Art.14. With the objective of encouraging students (as) the responsibility and care of your belongings should be properly marked
name and course
Art.15. The school promotes students self-esteem and positive self-concept. A
factors associated with the socialization that we encourage, is sober and careful grooming


Article 16. Develop an attitude of respect, participation and commitment, cooperating and being responsible and supportive learning climate in class.
Submit Article 17 in the home, school community and return in a timely, signed by the Trustee (a) (circulars, flyers, Citations, etc..).
Article 18. Develop an attitude of respect participatory and civic or cultural events of the Community.
Article 19. To develop a fraternal attitude, seeking the common good and welcomed with all the partner (s) of course and the members of the educational community.
Article 20. Respect the regular channels (Professor (a) Head, Professor (a) Subject and elsewhere.
Article 21. Calling people by name, not verbally attack through offensive jokes or nicknames.
Article 22 . To be honest (a), transparent, self (a) and others.
Article 23. Be prepared (a) to hear the ideas of others and resolve differences through dialogue, acknowledging the errors, assuming them and repairing them.
Article 24 Keeping in and out of school, behavior based on the values \u200b\u200bof love, respect, Service, solidarity and responsibility (of course trips, educational outings or other).
art.25. Maintain order and cleanliness of the classroom and the school in general.
art.26. Maintain basic etiquette and good manners. Use appropriate language in an attitude of dialogue, excluding the swearing, vulgar, derogatory, etc. Art
27. According to current legislation and care for their own health and that of others, no smoking allowed (Law No. 20,105 Section 10), drinking alcohol to plunge drugs or pornographic items to bring inside and close the detention facility in any in any instance.
Art 28. Prevent demonstrations love within the establishment on the basis of the right of all peaceful coexistence (courtship, for example)
Art.29. Respect the privacy, dignity and integrity of all members of the community, (the use of technological items for students, such as cellular, mp3, mp4, Internet, virtual pets, others are strictly prohibited). Also items such as box cutters, toxic glues, aerosols, knives, scissors, pencils and all those who pose a threat to his improper handling and transportation.
Art.30 .- The tenure of any item of technology by students and student is the sole responsibility of the attorney.

VIII .- PRINCIPLES values \u200b\u200bmentioned in the IEP, SANCTIONS:

A) The slurs, insults and taunts, which are conducted in the presence or screaming and / or through blog, photo, chats, or text messages to community members (academic authorities, teachers (as), students (as), administrative and support staff, parents (as), made both by technology, within the school, and out of this or any other means used for this end.

B) The cyberbullying, bullying and physical or psychological, bullying, school violence, abuse, sexual abuse, injuries caused.

C) pilferage, theft and misappropriation of evidence, property or documents of the School Community.


Art.31 At the beginning of the school year students must purchase the book from the establishment.
Section 32. This document is not transferable.
Art.33. The student should carry it every day inside his backpack to record communications, supporting academic and other situations.
Art.34. Record all records requested therein.
Art.35. Keep in good condition, clean and tidy without pictures or stripes, or coarse.
art.36. Attend classes regularly should reach 85% of annual attendance
art.37. Attending to take tests and / or assessments as per schedule, including assessments on appeal.
Art. 38. Attendance is recorded at the beginning of the day and each class.
article 39 .- The manager (a) must justify in writing the book the school community or absences (1 to 3 days) of your child (a), on re-entry to school, or present medical certificate (for more than 3 days), within 5 working days to reinstate the student to class. The medical certificate warrants, but does not discount absences.

C. - Punctuality: Students must meet established schedules entry, interclass and departure, including workshops and extracurricular activities.
The school has established for knowledge of the community indicated times
Day Operating Income

Day Out Tomorrow
5, 6, 7 and 8
7:45 hrs. 13:25 hrs

Kinder A
7:45 hrs. 11:45 hrs

Day Afternoon 1, 2, 3, 4 º

13:35 hrs.
18:30 hrs.
Monday and Friday 19:15 hrs. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Kinder B

13:35 hrs 17:35 hrs.

Art. 40 .- The arrival to the College must be before 7:45 pm. On the day of the morning school day begins at 7:45 pm. And at 13: 40 hrs of the day students in the afternoon
art. 41 .- The delays are entered in the school diary and book classes. The accumulation of arrears will be punished according to current regulations. Art.42 .-
Delays in interclass be entered in the Book of classes and registration éste.La comments accumulation of these will be sanctioned according to regulations.
art. 43 .- From 8:30 am, the (as) students (as) must enter the school with written justification in the communications book and / or accompanied by his attorney (a), which must sign and indicate the reason in log income. Otherwise, the student (a) may not enter classes.
Art.44 .- In special cases the student (a) may enter a class if you have permission of the teacher Inspectorate (a) that corresponds
Art.45 .- Students (as) will not withdraw from the College during the school day unless justified medical cases or other situation that warrants and / or accompanied (as) of his attorney (a), which must sign and indicate the reason in register of egress. 46 .-
not be allowed out of a student (a) alone, either:
a) .- Applied for telephone
b) .- In case you are sick or injured.
Art.47 .- Students (as) of 1-8 Year of Basic Education should use the corporate uniform is compulsory. LADIES

year 2009 will be a transition in the change of uniform for the ladies, a white shirt institutional and pleated navy blue skirt.

navy blue jumper or navy blue skirt (10 cm. On the knees) or pants at the waist (traditional court) navy cashmere. White blouse or shirt
institutional, marked with the name
institutional tie. Official logo jumper. Socks or tights
navy. College T-shirt
official, short sleeves or long, marked with the name
Polerón, polar or official vest, navy. marked with the name.
Parka, fleece, jacket or blue montgomery, without application of another color, on polerón or official vest marked with the name.
polished black shoes.
headbands, scarves, collars and cabbage in one color (blue or white).
blue gingham apron (1 st to 7 th grade). Marked with the name
crew Apron Pink (K) Marked with the name


cashmere gray pants (traditional style), which corresponds to the size of the pupil, to the waist.
white or blue shirt. Marked with the name and logo
institutional tie. College T-shirt
official, short or long sleeves marked with the name
Polerón, polar blue vest marked with the name official.
parka, fleece jacket or navy, no other color applications on polerón or official vest. Marked with the name
is gray or blue socks.
polished black shoes. Cotona
beige (1 st to 7 th grade). Cotona
blue (K), marked with the name.


Official Diver: Diver dark blue pants with no other applications and polerón color blue. Marked with the name
white T-shirt or gray polo with school logo. Marked with the name
Short (Navy only). Marked with the name
White socks.
black or white sports shoes (not dress or canvas, or with platform or on wheels or other design that does not allow a normal motor performance.)
The shoes will use only the subject of Physical Education. Not accept the change of footwear during the school day and at the end of this.
scarves, collars and hats (blue or white).


The school promotes students self-esteem and positive self-concept. One of the factors associated with the socialization that we promote is the sober and careful grooming. For this makes clear that:

Girls and children attend the school with:

Art.48 .- A personal toilet
Art.49.-short hair, no braids, no sideburns, clean and orderly natural color and clear face, no makeup and unadorned, fucking, tapes, etc. not complying with corporate colors
Art.50 .- Clean hands free of tattoos, rings, bracelets and nails clean, short and / orwith natural shine.
Art.51.-The uniform must be clean, ironed and without additional accessories.
Art.52. The piercing, expanders, and others may put at risk the health and safety of students, therefore, are prohibited in school.
Art.53. Who violate this rule when entering to school or being inside it, will remove and store. Failure to comply with this procedure warrants an official
you remove objects and deliver them personally to the attorney when deemed appropriate by the school, leaving the fact recorded in the school's resume.
Art.54.-Prohibited the game with elements outside of school activities in unauthorized places. (Ball, skate, skate, diabolo, yo-yo, marbles, pogs etc) Art.55
prohibited the entry of students into anti days without written request to Inspector General agents. 56 Attend Art
take tests and / or outstanding work in alternate day if cited by the teachers.


Art.1 .- Be heard.
Art.2 .- Allow age-appropriate development.
Art.3 .- Receiving an education as stipulated in the Constitution of the State.
Art.4 .- Being treated in a timely manner.
Art.5 .- To be treated with kindness and in good shape.
Art 6 .- To be diagnosed and treated for learning disabilities, language and / or behavior.
Art.7 .- To know in advance the faults that may arise and their corresponding penalties. Art.8 .- Evaluate
differentiated where to have specific learning disabilities, diagnosed and treated. educational community
Art.9 .- Not to be discriminated by sex, race, religion or other status that makes it different.
Art.10 .- Represent the school at official ceremonies inside and outside the establishment. Art.11 .- Receive
cards, diplomas, awards and other according to their performance and / or behavior.
Art.12 .- Participate in two school workshops. Art.13 .- Order
as home loan books in the library. Art.14 .- Receive Scholarship
school lunch, breakfast and afternoon tea, according to socioeconomic conditions in the relevant documents.

Art.15 .- Make use of student insurance if applicable (Dcto313/72). Http://
appropriate use Art.16 .- all units where available and there is an official to oversee the activity. Art.17 .-
be attended to their needs and problems at school following the regular channels, subject teacher, head teacher and then the unit appropriate (Guidance, UTP, Inspector General and Management)
Art 18 .- To know their assessments within a maximum of 15 working days.
Art.19 - To apply for scholarship Municipal school uniform as the economic situation.
Art.20 .- A run for President Grant and indigenous, if it meets the requirements
Art.21 - To be quoted in alternate day for pedagogical reasons
Art.22 .- Repeat only once in the establishment, provided that: there is a vacancy in the corresponding course.
who demonstrate behavior consistent with this Manual of school life. Be age for the course added another year. Has reached 95% of attendance in the year of repetition. The attorney has at least a 90% attendance to subpoenas and / or meetings convened by the school and / or head teacher


A. - serious offenses

Art.1 .- steal, steal. Will proceed according to law.
Art.2 .- Distribution of any drug in the College.
Art.3 .- physically assaulting any member of the school community or to at risk the physical safety of any member of the establishment. Damaged goods
Art.4 .- establishment.
Art.5 .- Carrying dangerous to the safety of persons (fatty, flammable aerosols etc.)
Art.6 .- Insulting and / or proxies to threaten students visiting faculty members or gestures that undermine the dignity of people .. Art.7
book .- Carrying communications and / or journals, books, backpacks, and some clothing with obscene pictures and / or rude. Art.8
walls .- Scratching furniture and goods of the establishment with any legend and / or drawing.
Art.9 .- Leaving the premises without authorization during the school day.
Art.10.-Counterfeiting signing the proxy. Art.11.-Tampering
documents (notebook, school passes, medical certificates, reports, book classes etc)
Art.12.-use phones, music players, cameras or interfering etc.interrumpiendo development class or to attack others. Art.13 .-
Photographing or video recording voices for people in the school community without your consent and for purposes that violate their privacy or personal dignity and family. Art.14 .- Use
fotolog, Messenger, email or other for assaulting, threatening, violent or degrading the image of the people who make Mercedina community or the school itself.

B. -

FAULTS Art.15 .- Absent from classes while in school or in the vicinity.
Art.16 .- Presentation of work or work of others and / or plagiarized. Art.17 .- Copy
Test for once
Art.18 .- Spit furniture and floor mates from school premises. Art.19 .- Scratch units
paint curtains or furniture or destroying the property.
Art.20 .- Smoking inside and around the settlement. Art.21 .-
Insulting and / or threaten classmates. Bullying or physical or psychological.
Art.22 .- To conduct involving lack of respect for other people
Art.23 .- Refusing to take tests. Art.24 .- Missing
without notice to controls or tests scheduled.
art.25 .- Introduce the uniform incomplete without justification or without uniform. .- Scratch art.26
or impair boxes and school supplies for their peers. Art.27 .- Trashing repeatedly
units and destroy plants.
art. 28 .- Perform any sale within the establishment
Art.29 .- Get back repeatedly. Six arrears by half. Art.30 .- Provide
school pass
Art.31 .- Absence support workshops while in school. Section 32 .-
repeatedly presented without supporting and / or consecutive times (three) in his book notices.
Art.33.-Assist the school using flashy jewelry or tools such as piercing, earrings, necklaces, bracelets, rings, belts, hats scarves and gloves fancy ornamented Likewise tattoos or other makeup.
Art 34: - Display the image and / or prestige of the school and its members.

C. - Misdemeanors. Art.35 .-
presented without justification after an absence. Art.36
book .- Occupy previous years
art.37 .- Get back and interclass hours, to 10 in the year without justification.
Art. 38 .- Breach of established rules or improper conduct ceremonies, Masses, conferences, liturgies or special events
Art 39 .- Do not have a specific book for communications. Art
40 .- Failure to comply with the appearance and the school uniform. XII .-

SANCTIONS (Disciplinary Corrections)

A. - SANCTIONS serious offenses.
Art.1 .- Interview with student

Art.2 .- Verbal Warning Written Reprimand
Art.3 Art.4 .- .- .- Art.5
school commitment Citation
Art.6 .- Attorney Referral a specialist if the situation warrants. Conditionality

Art.8 Art.7 .- .- Cancellation of Registration: The management of the school together with the Council of Teachers have the right to implement additional measures if the failure is extremely serious, such de-registration of a student or alumna.

Term: 1 year Level

decision: will be taken through the following: 1 .-

head teacher and / or teacher of Sub. 2 .-
Inspector General and / or Chief Technical Officer and / or Counselor.
3 .- Council of Teachers with ratification of Directors.

the faculty council will assess the situation of the learner (a) to raise compliance, or apply the cancellation of registration and withdrawal of students in the school year following this.


9 .- Student Interview

Art.10 .- Verbal Warning Written Reprimand
Art.11 Art.12 .- .- .- Art.13
School Commitment Citation
Art.14 .- Attorney Referral to a specialist if the situation warrants. Art.15 .-
Art.16 .- Cancellation of Registration. : The management of the school together with the Council of Teachers have the right to implement additional measures if the failure is extremely serious for such de-registration of a pupil.

Term: Monthly, half a year. Level

be made by the following behaviors: 1 .- Professor
boss and / or teacher in Subsector. 2 .-
Inspector General and / or Chief Technical Officer and / or Counselor.
3 .- Council of Teachers with ratification of Directors.

C. - SANCTIONS misdemeanors. Art.17 .- Interview

Art.18 Art.19 .- .- Verbal Reprimand Reprimand Written Commitment
school Art.20 .- .- Citation
Art.21 Art.22 .-
Attorney Referral to a specialist if the situation warrants. Art.23 .-
conditionality. Level

be made by the following behaviors: 1 .- Professor
boss and / or teacher in Subsector. 2 .-
Inspector General and / or Chief Technical Officer and / or Counselor.

XIII .- The court of appeal is a right for students, and parents, mothers and carers (as) to ask the school to reconsider the possibility or the measures taken.

The procedure is as follows: 1 A

. Deadlines to appeal:

- 3rd week of June and 3rd week of November this year.

2 º. To whom to appeal:

- With the Director of educational establishment.

3 º. Deadlines for responding

- 2nd week of July and 2nd week of December of the current month.

4. Who should answer

- Director and / or Inspector General including the Council of Professors of educational establishment.
- The agent must lodge a written request and accompanying documents if applicable.


Art.1 .- Parents and Guardians, be protective and to present the school ethos principles in their relationships and family life.
Art.2 .- It is the duty of the attorneys attend and participate in ongoing meetings, workshops and school activities. Attorneys Those who do not attend meetings of course, not been justified in advance, must do so in person and / or written the day before and / or made after the meeting.
Art.3 .- It is the duty of the Guardians, attend interviews which are cited. It is the responsibility of the attorney in advance to justify their absence from the interview via agenda or in person.
Art.4 .- Los (as) Proxy (as) to look for in conjunction with (as) teachers (as) leaders (as) or other authorities of the College, the solution to the conflicts of his ward (a), through dialogue, keeping the regular channels. (sub teacher, head teacher, Chief Technical Officer if academic Inspector General if disciplinary personnel and equipment deployment and then Director)

Art.5 .- Given a problem, concern or suggestion is to request an interview at (a) professor (a) or circulate in Diary.
Art.6 .- Presentation ward staff (a) in accordance with the requirements of the rules of school life. Art.7
Proper Use of Standard .- Institutional and Physical Education.
Art.8 .- Review and Agenda signing day, the only official means of communication between school and home.
Art.9 .- Justify book written communications and / or send a medical certificate of absence if I delay. Knowing
Art.10.-school Student Handbook for Evaluation and Promotion of the establishment. Which is attached to this manual.

Art.11.-The Guardian (a) should be sent promptly to the ward (a) their school supplies. Are not allowed to bring parents and guardians work, labor or materials on schedule. But employers who have set deadlines, and the student does not attend classes, the proxy must reach them.

Art.12.-A have from 7:45 pm. (morning shift) and 13:40 hrs. (Hours later) and during the school day, no parent, guardian or relative of the students (as) may enter the school premises without permission, unless you have arranged an interview (which should inform and wait in reception).

Art.13.-Parents and / or agent can not enter the classroom without authorization in order to encourage the development of the autonomy of their pupils and their safety.

Art.14.-Los (as) Proxy (as) to accompany (as) students (as) when entering after 8:30 pm. and also when removed before the normal time output, to sign the register of ingress and egress, indicating the reason. Los (as) agents (as) must make the personal matters of students (as) (medical and others) outside of class time.

Art.15.-The Department in conjunction with the school's Faculty Council reserves the right to request a change agent who engage in aggressive attitudes, threatening, rude, disrespectful, or degrading to any member of the educational community.
Art.16. "Parents and guardians should bear the financial cost of the damage produced by the students during the school day.

Art.17.-Comply in a timely manner with the different treatments of your ward (a), who are diagnosed in order to ensure their emotional stability, psychological and academic (Diagnostic Center, Psychologist, Neurologist, etc.). Otherwise, the establishment is not responsible for the failures of the students and the proxy must relocate in a setting appropriate to its difficulty.

Art 18 .- The attorney can not file expert reports which are close relatives of his pupils (as) Art

19.-The manager whose ward (a) he has been referred to the Diagnostic Center of the Commune of study the student must prioritize the Centre, keeping the hours given and / or sending the same request.
20.-The Art
specialist reports requested must be relevant to the difficulty of the student and relevant as ever.

Art.21. "The attorney whose students have clearly two continuous repetitions have to remove the property for the benefit of students, as the Institutional Education Project does not fit their educational needs.

Art.22.-Be informed (a) on the Juvenile Court Procedure Act N º 20,084 . The school will follow the lines laid down by the court. Art

23.-The manager must attend on the dates and times for delivery of documents daily, weekly, semester, and / or annual enrollment periods, provided by the institution. Office hours: 09:00 to 12:00 and 15:00 to 17:00 hrs. Art
24.-Do not interfere in technical decisions and administrative educational course and / or establishment, as they are the sole responsibility of the Head of School.

Art 25 .- Do not expose the prestige of the establishment or its members.


art.26 .- Respect every person who belongs to the educational community, whether man or woman, regardless of age or function that meets the institution (students, teachers, parents and attorney, administrative staff, assistant managers or visitors.)

Art.27 .- Accept the charge provide the teacher or the board of General Center Parent / guardians.

art. 28 .- cooperate promptly with the quota established by the Center for Parents and Guardians to support the implementation of their projects. Art.29 .-

make information available to the educational community and within the limits of professional experience, knowledge, or other so as to optimize the establishment of curriculum development. As long as the education unit's request.

Art.30 .- Failure to comply with the rules and commitments in the regulation gives the board of Teachers the right to request a change of Attorney, in extreme cases. ..- XVI


face of faults that break Interaction Standards, specifically those that involve a conflict, will be implemented as pilot plan, a school mediation procedure.

Our school promotes good treatment of all its members. It is for this reason that is training a group of students in school mediation. In this way, we guide and support our students in peaceful conflict resolution, giving them a model in the development of social skills that enhance our school life.

The first students of our school mediators will be released step by step to the school community, by raising their closest pairs (Of their courses) to improve school social climate.

1 .- Build a support network in the course: To encourage partners to realize a peaceful way of dealing with conflict.
2 .- Include in Proceedings of the School Student Handbook, the instance of the mediation, where appropriate, prior to any penalty, or complementary to other remedial measures.

is expected that all students, internalize the values \u200b\u200bunderlying these norms and attitudes. However, the college assumes that students (as) progress at different rates and need in their personal development process to be guided (as) supported (as) and strengthened (as) permanently. This has been defined strategies that include various steps intended to guide correct or punish conduct that does not conform to the rules of school life of our school.

The College School Coexistence Mercedes Marín del Solar is a collective of principles and rules grounded in our Educational Project. Thus all members of this community are called to be part of the coexistence creating, developing and facilitating a positive school climate.
As parents and guardians, freely chose this establishment Educational therefore bear responsibility determinations that the Head of School deems compliance with the criteria, standards and commitments established in the Student Handbook in this academic commitment known to me. XVII .-


harmony Environment: tolerance and acceptance climate valuing diversity in all sectors of the community Mercedina. The educational experience allows us to affirm the relationship between the quality of living and quality of learning. So make a good living will have a significant impact in encouraging instances of cognitive learning, improving achievement and outcomes that affect the quality of students' personal lives.

Written Warning: A severe form of attention called for noncompliance.

Assistance and punctuality. Attending classes is a major factor in the development of student learning. Through participation in all academic activities are being developed all the programs provided by the Ministry of Education. Cancellation of Registration

: The management of the school together with the Council of Teachers have the right to implement additional measures if the need is of extreme gravity such de-registration of a pupil

appropriate behavior (good behavior) Proceed respecting and adhering to the rules of an institution, without causing any damage either to persons and / or public or private property

Commitment: It is the obligation of the student (a) to improve their behavior and / or responsibility. Registration

Conditionality: The failure of the warning or the repetition of misconduct affecting the living, learning and school discipline: The last call for attention or behavior at school accountability.

Coexistence: A set of human relationships, built on a collective, dynamic and democratic, that members of the college down the Mercedes Marín del Solar.

Discipline: A set of rules and principles governing the Community Mercedina towards the common good.
or performance standards: They are all those regarding the administrative operation of an educational institution such as: schedules, delays, permits, attendance, personal appearance, care of the infrastructure and equipment, among others. Standards

interaction: Are all those who care about social relations between members of the community and tend to avoid abuse and discrimination, is seeking the shelter of the physical and psychological integrity including behavior within the classroom, games patios and walkways.

Respect: courtesy, consideration and assertiveness that one must know and apply in all circumstances to yourself and all members community. "Ability to understand and accept others; estimated oneself, cherishing others" (Educational Ideology of the commune)

Sanctions and / or disciplinary measures: It is the obligation of the student (a) through dialogue to improve their behavior and / or responsibility. Observation disciplinary correction should be recorded in the Book class.


No. 1 Based on the powers granted under Decree 511, the Director of Establishment endorses the proposal of the Faculty Council and establishes the following Evaluation and Promotion Manual for "Mercedes Marín del Solar School." These provisions are on Evaluation, Qualification and Promotion School. ARTICLE

No. 2 The scheme will Semiannual Assessment.

ARTICLE # 3 In this instructional unit will use the tools necessary to achieve the learning of our students, aimed at the development of cognition (skills, abilities, skills) and affective (values, attitudes). Therefore Education learning will focus on encouraging a kind of independent learning where students be able to use the knowledge they have in the construction and application of new learning. The teacher of our school will focus its educational work on learning rather than teaching, considering the different rhythms and styles of students in the ongoing search for appropriate learning strategies. ARTICLE

No. 4 The Director (a) Exemption may authorize the establishment of a single subsector student learning.
Students must apply for Exemption from presenting learning subsector in UTP following:
• Certificate certifying specialist learning difficulties or health clearly endorse the request. Addition a written request of the attorney.
The deadline for such filing will be the last working day of April.
Where the request occurs after the date specified, the student will be assessed by any alternative method determined by considering the teacher specialist indications. ARTICLE

No. 5 The students should not have control over a single letter, coefficient 2 per day. ARTICLE

No. 6 Students have a right to know your test results within a maximum of 2 weeks and the return assessed work or test which must be filed he or she

ARTICLE No. 7 written tests should be recorded on the testing schedule of the course at least one week in advance in the case of the coefficient 1 and two weeks for the coefficient 2.


be used: Initial Assessment, Process, Final Differentiated

a) Initial Assessment: Identify the skills, abilities, knowledge and any shortfalls with which students begin their learning process . Be expressed in Achieved and Not Achieved.

b) Evaluation Process: It is aimed at detecting the weaknesses and learning achievement for make decisions about strategies to use. Be expressed to note 1 to 7. With a demand level of 60% or 70% depending on the degree of difficulty of the assessment given. These notes will be cumulative or individual.

c) Final Evaluation: It is intended to verify the achievement of objectives and expressed in grades 1 to 7, which may be factor 1 or factor 2. DIFFERENTIATED EVALUATION


According to Decree 511/1997 by Article 5 "Students with disabilities to pursue a sub on a regular basis, subject or learning activity must be applied procedures Differentiated Assessment. "


is a resource that the lecturer uses one or more sub-sectors of the curriculum, to evaluate students according to the characteristics of learning that each presents. Is to develop, implement and interpret assessment procedures taking into account the specific difficulties of the pupil.

applying differentiated evaluation is intended for students to get the grade they deserve, according to the goals developed by him, these are those set by the teacher after the diagnostic evaluation and other history he can muster in UTP, Professor of Special Education and Differential. SUGGESTIONS FOR ASSESSMENT


Draw up test with fewest questions pointing to the relevant objectives, which are targets of tickets for later learning. Dar
more time to complete the test, with further explanation for students.
· oral interrogation, partial or mixed assessment: The child answers the test with the rest of the group, it checks to deliver orally examine those questions whose answers are wrong. Adding the percentage
written over the oral rate is averaged final grade.
Students with ASD in the written tests should not be deducted points or Dysgraphia Dysorthography.
Students diagnosed with slow learning process may choose to test or control to be completed in separate groups with the support of educators.

assessment should be differentiated:

All students who have some diagnostic and Educational Psychology (C. Diagnosis), neurological or psychological. And who are being treated according to the diagnosis made by specialists.

All students who attend separate groups and those discharged from their treatment.

Students who temporarily need this resource. Ie family death, accident, family problems, illness, emotional issues affecting them, etc. ARTICLE


be used various ways and means to obtain the required qualifications for the semester. Eg oral, written, research, reports, practical work, role play, concept maps, etc.. ARTICLE

No. 10 The nature of the assessment tools that can be applied: Individual, group, peer assessment (peer evaluation), hetero (teacher evaluation), self-assessment (self assessment).

The criteria or indicators for the work, and other evidence must be clearly established in each of the evaluation procedures for both students and the parents and guardians. ARTICLE

No. 11 in digital form will be scored using a scale of 1.0 to 7.0.Con a requirement level of 60% or 70% depending on the degree of difficulty of the assessment given. TYPES OF QUALIFICATIONS

ARTICLE # 12: Partial Notes

: Are all those grades during the semester by the student / a. These factors may be 1 or 2
The minimum number is recorded in the table below and the maximum is 10.

Subsector 1 - 4 º 5 º - 6 º 7 º - 8 º
Language and Communication 8 8 8
English 3 4 5
Understanding the Social Environment, 5 - -
Natural and Cultural
Study and Understanding - 6 6
Nature Study and Understanding
Society - 6 6
Technology Mathematics 6 8 8 4 4 4
Arts 4 - -
Visual Arts - 4 4
Music - April 4 Physical Education
5 4 4 4 4 4

NOTE SEMESTER (FIRST CYCLE): It is the mathematical average of the partial grades obtained in the subject or sub sector during the semester. Be calculated to one decimal place without approximation.

FINAL NOTE: It is the average score of the half-notes. Be calculated to one decimal place, and without approximation
Nevertheless the final 3.9 is approximated to 4.0 and 6.9 shall note remain the same. NOTE

SEMESTER (SECOND CYCLE): Will the average obtained in the partial notes on the subject or sub sector. It is calculated without a decimal approximation. Nevertheless
the final 3.9 is approximated to 4.0 and 6.9 shall remain the same note

FINAL NOTE: It is the semi-annual grade point average to one decimal place. In both cycles
Note 4.9 and 6.9 shall be kept equal.


GENERAL AVERAGE: the average of the final marks obtained in all subsectors of Religion excluding learning. Is calculated to 2 decimal places and is expressed with 1 approximate.

ARTICLE No. 14: Transverse objectives will be assessed throughout the process and concepts expressed in the Report Personal and Social Development which is delivered to the agent at the end of 1 st Semester and year's end.

ARTICLE No. 15: The scores will be reported to Agent with Partial progress notes during the 1 st and 2 nd Semester and final grades at the end of Semester 5 th to 8 th year.

ARTICLE No. 16: From 1 st to 4 th grade performance during the semester will be released to the Guardian with a partial advance of Letters and endnotes at the end of it. Special cases will be scheduled prior to personal interviews guide and implement the remediation.


ARTICLE No. 17: They will be promoted all the students of 1 º to 2 º and 3 º to 4 º year of primary education who have attended at least 85% of the classes, given that you have two years for full compliance with the fundamental objectives and minimum compulsory contents for these courses.

The director (a) the establishment in question and the teacher (a) head of the respective courses may allow students to promote (s) with lower rates of attendance, based on reasons of health or other justified reasons.

Notwithstanding the provisions of in the preceding paragraphs, the (the) director (a) the establishment concerned may exceptionally decide on the report based on several evidences of the teacher (a) the Head of the course the students affected, not promote 1 to Year 2 core or 3 º a 4th grade to those who pose a significant delay in reading, writing and / or math, in relation to expected learning in programs of study that applies the establishment, and that can seriously affect the continuity of their learning in the upper .

addition, to take such action, the establishment must have a relationship strengthening activities made the students (a) and evidence of having informed to the parents or guardians, so as to enable a collaborative effort.

addition, students (a) integrated with special educational needs (as) a regular education, considering the curricular adjustments made in each case subject to the same rules described above if adding the requirement of a report based Professor (a) specialist. (Decree 107, Exempt)

item # 18 will be promoted courses students who have passed all sub-sectors, subjects and learning activities in their respective curricula.

ARTICLE # 19: They will be promoted students in courses from 2 nd to 3 rd and 4 th to 8 th of basic education that have not adopted a subsector, subject or learning activity, provided that their overall level of achievement appropriate to an average of 4.5 or higher, including not approved.

Item No. 20, also will be promoted to the students in grades 2 nd to 3 rd and 4 th to 8 th of basic education who have not passed two sub-sectors, subjects and learning activities provided that their overall level of achievement appropriate to a 5.0 average or higher, including those not approved.


to be promoted pupils should attend at least 85% of the classes provided in the school calendar year. But for duly justified reasons the Director (a) the establishment and the Task Force may authorize the promotion of students from 2 nd to 3 rd and 4 th to year 5, with lower rates of attendance. In the second basic cycle (5 th to 8 th) this authorization shall be endorsed by the Council of Teachers

students 2 and 4 of basic education that do not meet the requirements indicated in the above must repeat the 2 nd or 4 th grade, as appropriate.

ARTICLE # 22 EL (the) director (a) the establishment education with the respective teachers or must resolve special situations of evaluation and promotion of pupils from 1 st to 4 th year of basic education. For students from 5 th to 8 th year of primary education, this decision must be endorsed by the Teachers Council. Among other settle the cases for justifiable reasons students need to enter a class late, leave for a specified period, end of the school year early or similar. ARTICLE

No. 23 All assessment situations students from 1 st to 8 th grade, must be resolved within the relevant school term.


No. 24 A student or students, who miss a test without a medical certificate and / or supporting the assessment will be applied when they return to classes.

If the absence is maintained for more days without a medical certificate the teacher (a) determine the date of application of the instrument without notice or give a timetable for testing and / or (a) cited in alternate day. ARTICLE

No. 25 The pupil's absences justified under rules of a medical certificate for more than three days, or days in the implementation of any assessment instrument give rise to a new date to comply with the same type of instrument or another given by the teacher (a) to measure the same goals and the same percentage applied to the course requirement. ARTICLE

No. 26 Pupils or students should be with his team of Physical Education to all classes in this subsector, the non-compliance with this standard will influence their assessment and cumulative process.
Those students who submit medical certificate justifying his disability to make physical education activities may meet the objectives of this sub-sector through other strategies, will depend on the duration of the disability. ARTICLE

No. 27 The student (a) that a control copy writing, you will immediately change or control will be given an oral question on the objectives assessed in the instrument applied. ARTICLE

No. 28 The student (a) that does not deliver a research paper on the due date will be questioned orally on the subject. If the job is group will proceed in the same way, even when missing some of the group.
Students (as) absent may be questioned at any time after his return to school.
Students (as) absent must strive to send the work to the College on the date set for submission, if so, will apply the same scale used for the course. ARTICLE

No. 29 The student (a) it does not present an oral presentation in front of the course. Proceed as follows: 1 .- If
individual and is present is questioned on the subject
2 .- If a group, the members present shall be questioned on the subject.
3 .- Students (as) been absent the day of the presentation will be questioned on the subject in the next class.
The absence of one or some of the participants of a working group does not release these for presentation. ARTICLE

No. 30 The non-delivery or failure to submit a completed practical work in the stipulated date be qualified by completing the appropriate assessment tool (list or scale). If the student misses must present the day you return to school the teacher (to) or UTP. ARTICLE

No. 31 Once complete, the educational establishment all students submit an annual certificate of studies that indicate the sectors, subsectors, subjects or learning activities with grades and the final status question.
The annual certificate of studies may not be withheld for any reason. ARTICLE

No. 32 Minutes of Record Grading and Promotion School entered in each course, the final grades in each sub-subject or learning activity, the final status of students and national identification card for each of them.
The Minutes shall be drafted according to current regulations. ARTICLE

No. 33 school evaluation situations and school promotion not covered in this decree shall be resolved by the regional ministries of education within the respective sphere of competence.