Friday, April 17, 2009

Milena Velba Milk Dvd Tgp

Workshop in San Martín (Mendoza)

We inform all concerned that during 2009 we developed a workshop for 2 months the dept. San Martín (The Mendoza). The same will be focused on the construction of monologues and the venue for doing this is the museum vaults.

The workshop will conclude with a theatrical presentation of the work done during the workshop.

Still no start date, but we are very close to achieve it.

Any information or queries please contact us by mail: (Paul Longo) or leave a comment here.

Man Sitting On Woman's Belly

Playwrights Clock in Colombia

On April 8, members of The Dramatists of the Sun Dial were fortunate enough to attend the International Seminar on Drama, developed in Quindio (Colombia), within the framework of International Festival Sacred Theatre drama group organized by the Theatre of the Shrew.

participation format was done by videoconference from Mendoza, Argentina. The event lasted from 03 to 09 April, featured artists and groups from Canada, Peru, Argentina, France, Mexico, Italy and Colombia.

Here is a brief excerpt of the conversation textual established with our colleagues who participated in person from Colombia.

As I said Gustavo (Cano) , Buenos Aires centralizes what are workshops and is common in the situation of sweatshop arrive, charge it and go without leaving enough so that you can generate a stable and can thus develop a more serious theatrical activity and constant.
As for the work we do, we operate by workshop modules usually worked sometimes in cooperation and coordinate between themselves, reconcile our differences and we write and understand the drama in various ways.

What are the different ways of working in their shops? (Eduardo, the national network of drama, Colombia)
- Yes, we have developed several. In 2006, work continued, starting with developing creative worlds different writing systems, and emphasizing fears, to create fables.

That is, starting from the psychological?
- not always, occurred in particular in that year. In 2008 we change, trying other techniques proposed by those who make up the group. Always changing.

Have managed to stage what they write? (Guido, Italy)
- Yes, our own texts. For those who attend the workshop itself, but there is some fear of exposure and rely on their own time to cheer. Many do not come from the theater area, and need some time to come and feel safe.

What thought have been allowed to see his work on stage? (Guido, Italy)
- Ahh, very disappointed (Laughter on both sides.) representation is difficult beyond imagination.

How good (Guido, Italy)
- This is a great feature that playwrights resulting in stage directors, and are forced to mount their own texts.

In a way, do you know what is being written in other regions of the country? (Marlon, in Cundinamarca, Colombia)
- in part because there are many possibilities. Yes, there are publications from the National Theatre, but are quite limited conceptions of what is done in the regions. (Laughter from beyond)

This situation is the same in most of Latin America. (Yolanda, Mexico)
- Well, it happens because it is believed that the capital is everything. Here we talk of monster, whose head (Buenos Aires) and cuepo (provinces). But no action but separated and that this country is just a disembodied head.

Because God is everywhere but in Buenos Aires serves , answer from Colombia.

The conversation goes on, but did for a while. Suddenly the machines are disconnected and we are back here and them there, and we are thinking the insurance there and them in here.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Deseert Eagle For Sale


Dear students:

To celebrate the book, this year we created a fun competition "Building a BOOKMARKS.

Read carefully the contest:

1. You develop a bookmark with the materials you want.

2. For this competition there will be 2 categories of participation:

1 st to 4 th grade (Class PM)

5 th grade to 8 th grade (Category Tomorrow).

3. Entries must be delivered to the school bibliocra from day 15 to 22 April.

4. You must submit your bookmarks accompanied by your name and course.

be awarded the first 3 places in each category, sponsored by the Center for Parents and Guardians. You can publish
Blog in the winning works will be exhibited in the Internal Bulletin Board Biblioteca.El jury composed of: Aunt Ingrid, an art teacher, language teacher, a principal teacher.